I accept payments in Euro via:

  • Bank transfer (wire transfer)
    – when you select your payment you will receive all necessary bank data to make your payment;
    – for custom or bespoke orders, I will send you the Proforma-Invoice with all neccessary data for making your payment.
  • PayPal (wich is secure and easy credit/debit card payment sistem)
    – accepts payments from customers with or without PayPal account;
    – you will receive a PayPal Invoice from Houndtribe with your selected items;
    – for custom or bespoke orders, I will send you the Proforma-Invoice with all neccessary data for making your payment;
    custom and bespoke orders will be charged +5% on total amount, when paying with Paypal (due to paypal charges and extra work on your order).

Once you have payed, you will receive email confirmation of your order soon as we get bank or paypal confirmation.
Please note, that your order is confirmed only after your payment is cleared on my account (bank or paypal).

You will receive in both cases the invoice from Houndtribe (Petnatura d.o.o.) with the necessary data to make the payment.