Category Archives: BLOG

We did it !!! Thank you !

Uspešno zaključena akcija – 1.del. Zbrane donacije smo predali v Koper (skladišče Libertas – s [...]

Amazing Story about one very special Whippet Collar

For me was an honor and privilege to have this antique trim in my hands. [...]


Sodelujte v nagradni igri Radia Capris, in tako si lahko z malo sreče, pridobite bogato [...]

New Houndtribe Members

  Welcome Meta, Ayla and Bareen. Collaboration with Meta Kuhar, and her saluki girls, started [...]

Behind the Houndtribe Logo

This year 2020 started in a way that none of us could imagine.Covid-19 changed our [...]

Houndtribe | Logo Spring 2020

This year started in a way that none of us could imagine.We all are, and [...]

Dogs & Cats and Covid-19

Pa še enkrat ponovimo učno uro o koronavirusih. Covid-19 bo ostal z nami in se [...]


DRAT | Gallery of Contemporary Jewelry 29 nov 2019 | Izola Slovenija Europe  

14th September 2019 | Dolsko | Slovenija

MEET US AT STAND | OBIŠČITE NAS NA STOJNICI 34. CAC Sighthound specialty showlooking forward [...]